Pure Acupuncture & Natural Medicine of Delray Beach is one of the leaders for Chinese Medicine known as TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). Dr. David Suomela D.O.M., A.P. is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, a Primary Care Provider and an Acupuncture Physician who is National Board Certified by the NCCAOM and Florida State Licensed and insured. We treat patients for a variety of ailments ranging from headaches, fertility, arthritis, fibromyalgia, IBS, menopause, nausea, pms, sciatica, sinusitis, smoking cessation, stress, tennis elbow and more.
As you can see acupuncture treats a wide array of ailments and conditions. One of the main goals of acupuncture is to promote overall wellness and improve the body’s normal physiological functions by stimulating the natural self-healing process by triggering specifically targeted anatomical sites – known as acupoints or acupuncture points.
The latest medical research continues to show us today what the oriental medicine practitioners knew thousands of years ago. This really works and acupuncture’s effectiveness for treating sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, endocrine and immune systems, cardiovascular system, and digestive system has been widely demonstrated by the leading medical journals including the National Institute of Health. Stimulation to the body’s various systems via acupuncture has shown to resolve issues with digestive function, anxiety, pain and even improved sleep. Oriental Medicine promotes a lasting sense of wellbeing during and after the treatments.
The typical method for receiving acupuncture or stimulation of acupoints is by inserting an extremely fine, and sterile needle into the skin. On top of that, you can add other elements such as heat, pressure or electrical stimulation to better enhance the bio-stimulatory effects. Other techniques that are blended with acupuncture are heat therapy cupping, topical herbal medicines, ointments, moxibustion, and manual massage. The combination of precise acupoints prescribed is based on the pattern of imbalance that is determined by the practitioner (Dr. David Suomela D.O.M., A.P. is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, a Primary Care Provider and an Acupuncture Physician who is National Board Certified by the NCCAOM and Florida State Licensed and insured).
For the majority of persons, this is completely painless. Many describe the sensations to be calming and relaxing. In most scenarios, the D.O.M. practitioner will stimulate gently the needles to create “Da-qi”, which is translated into receiving energy.
Yes, in fact, most insurance companies cover this but we can easily check for you to see if you qualify to get these benefits. Call us or message us today and we can find out immediately and get you scheduled.
Generally, we recommend that any patient should with an acute syndrome, ailment or medical condition to commit to at least eight to ten acupuncture treatments so they can achieve the maximum therapeutic benefit. For patients with chronic syndromes, a longer course of treatment is usually the best solution. Many patients will notice relief after their first treatment.